Love on Memphis

Everyone can be a part of the effort to love, encourage and support children and families in need in Memphis. In fact, our volunteers are the life force behind many of our ministries. A successful volunteer program is critical to our ability to serve families and communities in Memphis. In the past year alone, more than 1,300 volunteers served in communities served by Agape with more than 50 initiatives and events. We have a variety of opportunities for service. Whether you’re volunteering as a group or as an individual, we strive to connect you with service work that speaks to your desire to support, encourage and love children and families in Memphis.

What are some of the ways
I can help Agape Memphis?

Group Opportunities

Adopt a School or Apartment Community
Your church, organization, club or community group can adopt a school or apartment community in one of the areas we serve. Opportunities include tutoring, mentoring, beautification projects and more!

Special Events
Volunteer with your group assisting at special events such as Heartlight.

Block Parties
Volunteers are needed to assist with event set up and clean up, distribute flyers, and to manage activities with children and families.

Holiday Events
Be a part of spreading joy to the families we serve by assisting with creation of Thanksgiving baskets, holiday celebrations and more.

Children’s Activities
Oversee children’s activities on Monday and Wednesday nights while our FIT moms are attending life skills classes.

Individual Opportunities

After-School Program Tutoring
(Mondays-Thursdays from 3-5 PM) Volunteers assist children with homework and tutoring after school in Whitehaven, Hickory Hill and Raleigh/Frayser.

Check and Connect
(1 hour a week during school hours) Volunteers mentor an elementary student in Hickory Hill and work with them on attendance, academics and behavior. Training and ongoing support is provided by the Agape staff.

Get involved with FIT
Be a part of our transitional housing program, FIT, by assisting with either childcare or group facilitation during life skills classes.

Special Events & Project Support
Volunteer with your group assisting at special events such as Heartlight.

Provide mentoring for adults re-entering or entering the workforce for the first time.

Levels of Engagement

Below are our volunteer levels and examples of activities that represent each level.

An Agape Guest volunteer may be someone just getting acquainted with Agape or volunteer work. After completing the volunteer application and training process, we will help guests find the best fit for them to use their gifts in service.

An Agape Friend is a volunteer who has progressed to volunteering on a deeper or more frequent level with Agape. Perhaps they host or support occasional events, participate in beautification projects, or speak with potential new volunteers.

An Agape Companion has reached a level of consistency in their volunteer work with us. Perhaps they serve as a mentor or tutor, support our homeless initiatives, or serves as a Check & Connect volunteer. As one would expect, a Companion can be depended on for regular support and service.

An Agape Neighbor has “moved in” to a position of constant support for our mission. They maintain a consistent volunteer presence across multiple platforms, and spend time with the children and families we are blessed to serve. Perhaps they support our hallmark events, plan their own initiatives, or are simply willing to help meet emergency or other material needs.

Our volunteers undergo a process to ensure that they have all the tools and knowledge to best serve and love Memphis. We require all of our volunteers to complete an application, undergo a background check and attend volunteer trainings so they can be best prepared to approach volunteer opportunities.

We offer volunteer training every other Tuesday evening from 6-7 pm at our offices.
To register, contact Marquis McPherson at 901-323-3600.

Show your Agape for Memphis.